Saturday, November 28, 2009

into the mirror

hello. I hope every ones thanksgiving was wonderful. Mine was pretty good, and I bought some cute things on black friday. During my vacation, I went to this conference where a speaker named Micah Jacobson talked about something that has been in my mind for a couple of days. He told a story about a time when he gave a robber, who was trying to steal his car, twenty dollars. Of course this might sound crazy giving a robber money, but he did it because he wanted the guy to stop stealing, and start a life. After he told the story he said,

"this is the part where you can tell apart the optimist and the pessimist, the optimist are thinking, ohhh yes he went out and made something of himself. the pessimist are think wow he just went around the corner and bought drugs or something."

its so funny to me how our mind sets are. we all want to say we are optimists, but we aren't. I was one of the people who thought he would go buy drugs, or go back to stealing. Honestly though, no one will know what that man did that day, and its not so funny anymore, when you think about it, how quick we are to judge people that we dont even know. We do it everyday. This is one of the things I am putting on my news year resolutions list.I'll put my list up as soon as it's done.

xoxo, jenna

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