Two years ago I was a freshman in highschool and I decided to join the cross country team. I met a lot of nice caring people, but out of them all Joe was the more caring. He was a senior and he told me and everyone else about how he was preparing himself to join the Marines. He only ate healthy foods and ran many many miles a day. He was a terrific runner, and on top of that he never complained, always listened, and won races. He was one of the most influencial people I have met in my life so far. He made me and the other runners want to go out in 100 degree weather and push our selves to run 8 miles. Well one day after school he was riding his scooter to meet his best friends, and a lady hit him with her car. He died from the hit, and everyone was just in absolute shock. We xc runners grieved with his sister, who was on the team, and were supporting eachother. This happened on September 9th, 2007. Today is his borthday and I am writing this blog in rememberance of his great determination and spirit. We all miss him so much and he will always be considered a friend, and will definantly always be in everyone's memories. We run for Joe. Happy Birthday and Rest In Peace.
xoxo, Jenna
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