hellllo everyone..sorry for lack of updates
but summer school is finally out
and im off to the beach with my BFF tomorrow.
so one thing i havent posted was i was one of
the lucky people who got michael jackson memorial tickets
the service was so beautiful & the atmosphere there was amazing
it was great to be with people who felt the same way about him.
i took someone i hardly knew actually, his name is chris escobar
he is a HUGE jackson fan, and I knew he would love it
we had a great time there celebrating michaels life.
tickets & wristbands @dodger stadium

one of the walls to sign..i was so happy i found a spot to sign:]
chris dancing for everybody
me & chris in front of the nokia theater & staples center
right before they let everybody inside
we got pretty good seats:]
jermaine jackson singing "Smile"
michael jackson to me, was an inspiration.
after watching his music videos when i was 8,
i started taking dancing classes, and it has beem my passion
ever since then. so thank you michael jackson for
inpspiring the world & bringing it closer together.
xoxo, jenna